Why Action Cameras Have Become So Popular?

They are small, comfortable and versatile. And most importantly, they are extreme. In the last two years we have witnessed a real invasion of action cameras, small wearable cameras that allow us to shoot everything that happens around us from our own point of view. Until recently they were the exclusive prerogative of extreme and spectacular sports professionals (snowboarders, surfers, paratroopers, mountain bikers, etc.) who wanted to take a subjective shot of their exploits. Today they have become a cult phenomenon.

A decade ago, the market for these cameras didn't exist. Then came Nicholas Woodman, a surfer with a passion for visual art, and the world of filming suddenly changed. The intention of Mr. Woodman, now CEO of GoPro with a personal fortune in excess of a billion dollars, was to provide his surfer friends with a small and handy tool, but at the same time guaranteeing high quality in the shooting phase. Thus, GoPro began to produce waterproof cameras with small dimensions, which could be placed almost anywhere, even attached to the body.

Today the action camera market is a flooded. The number of devices sold in 2020 has doubled compared to the previous year, with a turnover of around 12 million dollars. Alongside GoPro, the undisputed market leader, there have been many other manufacturers (Sony and JVC, for example), who have enriched the quantitative and qualitative offer of these devices.

If you want to invest in a budget action camera, then this article on best action camera under 5000 in India will guide you in the right direction. Included in the article are the best-selling action cameras and an in-depth buying guide.

The secret of their success is due to two factors. The first is related to the versatility and convenience of these hyper-technological devices. An action cam weighs a few hundred grams and is a few cubic centimeters large: it can be tied around the head or mounted on top of the helmet, placed on the snowboard or surfboard or, thanks to special braces, worn around the torso.

Virtually any event or circumstance can resume: from off-piste descent, to diving in the South Seas, to the Marathon Des Sables. Or it can be used, as it actually happens, for film shooting.

The second factor is related to image quality. Sharp, well balanced and perfectly colored: sometimes it is difficult to observe differences between shots taken by an action camera or a normal camcorder. Without taking into account the resolution. The GoPro 3 Black Edition, the latest model presented by Nicholas Woodman, can also shoot at 4K, a resolution still inaccessible to many amateur video camera models on the market today.

Behind the success of these cameras there is not only the emulative and adrenaline-pumping aspect guaranteed by performing extraordinary sports feats. There is also the aspect that we could define as social. On YouTube, the GoPro search key returns 10 million results. Videos that are viewed millions of times and that are shared on other social networks tens of thousands of times. In short, a real global success.


Initially reserved for extreme sports practitioners, action cameras are becoming popular devices among the general public.


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